Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are your terms and conditions?
A. Please Click Here to see our terms and conditions.
A. What is your privacy policy?
A. Please Click Here to see our privacy policy.
Q. How are the prices set?
A. The prices are per lead and are dependent on the number of addresses generated weekly in the postcode area.
Q. How can I ensure I never miss a report?
A. Register with us to receive weekly notifications as soon as new reports are produced. Please contact us for more details. Direct-debit customers receive reports directly to their inbox the instant a new report is produced.
Q. How do I know how many leads I will be getting?
A. We email weekly nofications with details of the number of addresses we have collected as new reports become available. Direct-debit customers receive reports directly to their inbox the instant a new report is produce
Q. Do I get an invoice or receipt?
A. You will receive an email with a full receipt from Paypal when you make your purchase. Direct-debit customers will receive an invoice with their notification email.
Q. How up to date are the reports?
A. Each postcode district is updated once per week. You can see when the data was updated from our search results page.
Q. I ordered the weekly update and the report features data from more than a week ago.
A. The data would have been within date range when the data was collected. You can check the date that the data was collected for each report from our search results page.
Q. Can we store and use the property address reports and still comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (revised 2018)?
A. Yes, our data is not within the scope of the new regulations as the information we supply is not linked to named individuals. For further information please see our Privacy Policy.
Q. Are all the addresses unique?
A. We strive to charge you just once per address per report and apply filters to remove duplicates and incomplete addresses but occassionally a duplicate may sneak through - if it is the same address written slightly differently. Please contact us if you have an issue.
Q. How do I pay?
A. Payments can be made via Paypal, either with a Paypal account or with a credit/debit card. Regular customers also have the option to pay by direct-debit. Click here for more information on our direct-debit scheme.
Q. When do I get my report?
A. As soon as your payment has been confirmed your report will be available for viewing online and/or downloading.
Q. How long are the reports available for?
A. All reports can be viewed online for 30 days. All data given is static and any future changes will not be reflected in your report.
Q. Can I integrate the report into my existing information systems?
A. Yes, the reports can be downloaded in CSV format or copied and pasted for integration with a wide range of database, word processing and spreadsheet programs. Additionally there is a convenient label printing function.
Q. Are all houses that are on the market included in the report?
A. No. It is only possible to get a certain percentage of the addresses. New build and any incomplete addresses are not included.
Q. Are you independent?
A. Yes, we are not affiliated to any other property business.
Q. Do you include the addresses of houses that are to let?
A. Not at present.
Q. There seem to be houses listed as Sold when they are For Sale and vice versa or a particular address is wrong.
A. The reports accurately reflect available information at the time the data is captured. Please contact us with any issues.
Q. Do your reports include flats for sale?
A. Yes, all property types are given and we only supply full addresses including house or flat number and full postcode.
Q. We paid for our report on PayPal but something went wrong and the report was never displayed.
A. When we receive your payment via PayPal, we display the report and also send you an email with a link so that you can view your report. If there was a technical problem which prevented us from receiving your payment then you will not get an email from us. In this event, please contact us with relevant PayPal receipt details and we will resolve your problem as quickly as possible.
Q. We don't seem to have received a confirmation email from you.
A. Occasionally, our email may be treated as spam by your email program so please check your spam and bin/trash folders, before contacting us. We recommend adding info@ to your contacts/trusted sender section of your email software.
Q. Do you charge VAT?
A. Yes, VAT is added to invoices at the standard rate.
Can you help design a letter for mailing and can you provide a sample?
A. We do not have design facilities but are happy to mail a sample. Please email us a PDF of the material you wish to use.
Can we exclude property addresses marketed by a particular estate agent?"
A. Yes - You may elect to exclude properties marketed by agents you specify.
Which postcodes are available?
A. A. Choose the areas you require by individual post code district. We collect address data from all areas of England, Scotland and Wales.